Thursday, May 20, 2010

When should a private pension?

Cologne -
According to recent official mortality, infant boys today can expect an average of 77 years of life, girls with good 82 years. Within a year, life expectancy increased by more than three months. "For the pension fund means a longer lifespan an additional burden of nearly € 50 billion," calculates Manfred Poweleit, head of industry information Map Report.
The National Pension Scheme meets the horrendous performance with additional spending cuts, private provision is becoming increasingly important.
An important pillar of pensions is the private pension system. Consumer advocates criticize but always high cost, but this applies to Riester and Rürup policies also increased.
Traditional pension policies offer some tangible benefits: They provide a minimum return of 2.25 percent currently, offer premium guarantee and - in contrast to banking and investment savings plan - lifetime annuities. At the start of the contract one can calculate the guaranteed minimum pension already, are added surpluses, which the insurance company earns each year. Predictable payments are important for all those whose statutory pension basic needs of living, housing and leisure will not cover. The pension scheme can help close the pension gap predictable.
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Another advantage is the flexibility. Savers can choose at the end of the contract if they want to have paid off the balance on a shock or as a life-long pension.
Publicly funded private pensions, such as "Riester contracts or Rürup offer this possibility only restricted or not. For the self, the private pension policy is therefore an alternative to the rigid Rürup Treaty.
Benefits, the low tax burden. During the tax component in the statutory pension increases from year to year and Riester, Rürup and company pension contracts are subject to 100 percent of the income tax, private pensions are taxable to the profit part. In subjecting retirement at 67 you have only 17 percent of the disbursements of the tax. Reduce high-income seniors age with the private life their tax burden, in addition also are no contributions to health insurance.
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