Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vagina OPs are highly dangerous

Berlin - It's a crazy fashion trend: More and more women to undergo dangerous surgery vagina (EXPRESS.DE reported>). Their goal: The vagina should look like a young girl. Especially in demand is when the genitals look like a the top of a roll.
But doctors are sounding the alarm. The Vagina surgeries can lead to sexual dysfunction, scarring and adhesions. Even the flow of urine can be affected. The biggest problem: So far, no long term studies.
One reason for the approximately 785 € expensive intervention is the growing trend of shaved genitals, writes the Berliner psychotherapist Ada Borkenhagen. In many men's magazines, the inner labia are mapped fined. "These representations, however, many women serve as a benchmark," said Borkenhagen.
The team of psychotherapists also cited the "International Dialogue Vaginal Survey" from the year 2004. Nearly 10,000 women were interviewed about their attitudes to the vagina. The result: 61 percent of women were dissatisfied with the appearance of her vagina, 47 percent are worried about the size of their genitals.
More about: How does a vagina-OP> TV doctor is supposed to have vaginal verschnippelt> Spectacular OP: kidney removed through vagina> commercial: The world as she sees the vagina>