Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rich Russians to luxury shopping spree

Dusseldorf - The Russians are going! Handfuls they currently spend their money in Dusseldorf. And they have a lot of them. Prices? Do not matter! What pleases is purchased. To the delight of shopkeepers.
Doorman Hans-Peter Heser has just before the exclusive boutique "fashion" villa in Kaiserswerth sucked out the red carpet, as well as leaves before the stretch limousine. Geschäftsinhaberin Mahi Degenring has prepared well for this customer.
"It is a Russian who is looking for a wedding dress for his bride," says the designer, known for its unique collections. "The Russians love individuality. You want anything that others have already. For me, there are only hand-sewn items. "
Only recently was a business woman who are 27 exquisite costumes at once. "The value of 40,000 euros. Prices do not interest you. Russians think in different dimensions. "
Maxim is the 30-year-old multi-millionaire from St. Petersburg, which now enters the store. He is accompanied by Irina Švamberk boss, of "Germany Exclusive", a concierge service for Russians who are looking for something special in Dusseldorf. She translated and organized.
"I know his taste, and had prepared with his wife Degenring everything," says Švamberk. Maxim that looks bored and rarely speaks, does not interfere. "So the men."
Shirin Degenring, daughter of the owner, demonstrates the robes. And elicited a smile from him. The most expensive model (7000 euros), it is. A few more colorful dresses for the mother and sister. Overall, he pays 50,000 euros. Then he must. The reason has to do with money: Švamberk: "He wants to buy a villa in Dusseldorf."
These Russians seem to have in the local luxury hotel very well. Jörg T. Böckeler, Director of the Inter-Continental at the Kings: "We have a lot more Russian visitors than before. Then we have responded and opened in Russia's own luxury sales office. In addition, we share one Russian-speaking employees. "
 2004, there were 28,000 Russian tourists, who spent the night in Dusseldorf. 2007 already 47,000. According to the statistics of "Global Refund" lead them before the Chinese and Japanese, the list in spending in Dusseldorf.
Mark Lippert, spokesman for the Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH: "The Russians have too much money and do not know where to put it. As we like to help solve the problem! "
Also unique jewelry designer Gabriela Uphaus (WZ-Center) is to help. "I have many Russian clients. Usually I get special orders. Not infrequently, the value of a small car ... "