Thursday, February 18, 2010

What makes a dog with 100,000 euros?

What a giant surprise: Germany's biggest talent is a dog!
With 13.5 percent Artist Yvo Antoni (30) of Cologne and female PrimaDonna (3) the great "Super Talent" finale to decide for themselves - and won 100,000 euros!
The sudden windfall, the Victory Fireworks - for small dogs Dame too much. She fled after the decision shocked backstage. A day after the big win can give Mr. Yvo's all clear, however: "It's PrimaDonna good again. She was just ready-made from the stress and tension. "
No wonder: Never has a quadruped cleared in a show 100,000 euros! What makes the dog so talented? There is a lot of bones? A golden dog house? "No, the money is already firmly verplant" said Yvo in an interview with EXPRESS.
"We've just bought a house with a large, but very overgrown garden. He will do with the money really beautiful. "
Coaching, for the great career. For PrimaDonna could now actually waving. "Yvo should now take advantage of its brand awareness in any case," advises movie animal trainer Tatiana Zimek (42). "When promotions come a dog can earn up to $ 1,000 fee. Per day. "
Thus, the audience voted off
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Yvo PrimaDonna and female: 13.5%
Vanessa Calcagno: 13.4%
Pertruta Küpper: 11.5%
Davy Kaufmann: 10.8%
Richard Istel: 9.8%
Fabienne Bender: 9.3%
Oliver Roemer: 8.1%
Karin Andreev: 7.3%
Hannes Black: 5.4%
Tamina Geuting: 5.0%
Carlotta Truman: 4.6%
Sven & Sebastian: 1.3%
And also a film career is not excluded. Tatyana Zimek: "Because she would need only a special training to enable them not only with Yvo, but also other people who can work as actors."
"PrimaDonna in a commercial or movie, that would be great." Yvo dreams. And if it really one or the other euro on Mr. Chen's account ends, who has also already the next business idea: "I wish I had long private vaudeville theater in Cologne, where I can experience every evening with PrimaDonna."
Also of interest
The Super Talent is ... a dog